Why I Started Blogging and Why Pineapple TOTALLY Belongs on Pizza!!

I may have lost you after the title of this post!! Pineapple on Pizza!? That’s an either or for people! No meet in the middle! That’s one reason I started this blog!! To find people that I can relate with! People that meet in the middle! In this huge crazy world, to not feel so alone in it!

Postpartum isn’t something you are told a lot about before having a baby! There is nothing to prepare you for the hormones and feelings that come after! I needed to find an outlet, even months later!! As I’ve stated before, I planned on going back to work after delivering Penelope!!! The moment I held her I knew I wanted to stay home! My plans and whole life just changed!! I also had the guilt of no longer contributing to our family’s financials! We just added an expensive 😉 addition to our family and suddenly I think I need to quit my job!?!?

I LOVED writing when I was younger!! Taking real life experiences and letting my mind run with it! Making it sound more exciting than that every day moment actually was!

I LOVED holidays, hosting parties, taking photos, crafting, being creative!!

I looked up ways to make money from home as soon as we got home from the hospital!! That’s when I saw Blogging!! I was MADE to blog! It was MEANT TO BE!!! I was just lacking ONE BIG thing to make me successful: Confidence! I have been working on that like crazy though! Jumping in the past few weeks! Trying to write more informational posts! More real life, personal posts! Not just your generic writing! Sharing more opinions! I can’t find people to relate to, I can’t help someone else through a hard time, give ideas, any of that if I don’t open up more!! So, let’s do this!!

My first opinion: Pineapples TOTALLYYYYY belong on a Pizza!! It has to have Ham and the Alfredo Sauce too though!! It’s not an all the time must have but a fun change it up craving!! My husband HATES Pineapple on Pizza though! Seeeee we can still be friends and disagree too lol That’s why I keep my Sister In Law around!! She’ll share Pineapple Pizza with me!! Do any of my blogging friends agree or disagree??!!


P.s I just shared day 15 && 16’s Blogtober posts in this!! Woop Woop! Do you like Ghost Stories??? That was Day 14!! If SOMEONE comments on this post, I’ll share a Ghost Story!!! –> Working on getting some fun interaction on here!!

Thank you for following me along on this fun journey!!!



**Photo from: Medium.com**

5 responses to “Why I Started Blogging and Why Pineapple TOTALLY Belongs on Pizza!!”

  1. I’m totally into pineapple on pizza, but my fave is pepperoni and olives. =]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I loveeee pepperoni and black olives!! It’s one of my absolute favorites!!!


      1. Amen!!! Now I’m craving that hardcore.


  2. campinsadamsgmailcom Avatar

    Uhmmmm I LOVE PINEAPPLE ON PIZZA!!! I do not eat meat so my go-to pizza is mushroom with pineapple. People make fun of me until they try it!!! Then they are hooked. YUM

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yessss!! Another Pineapple Pizza Lover!!!


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